Alysse’s Maternity & Everly’s 2 Year Portraits

My sister is expecting number 2 the first week of June!  First of all, I want to say how much of a trooper she is!  The weekend I came down to do her maternity portraits, her air conditioner had stopped working.  Of course it was the week our weather decided to skip spring and go straight to summer… and I’m not kidding!  The temperatures were in the upper 80’s and the humidity was pretty bad.  She didn’t complain near as much as I would have. 

We planned her maternity session and realized it was so close to Everly’s 2 year birthday, that we decided to do her 2 year portraits at the same time.  These are some of my favorite maternity portraits I have ever shot.  Alysse is just beautiful and it is an absolute privilege to get to photograph these special moments in her and Tommy’s life. 

Everly’s 2 year old portraits are as candid as she is.  Give the girl a creek and some rocks and she is in heaven.   Here are some of my favorites, check out all of Alysse’s Maternity Proofs Here

2 year portraits, Columbia City Photographer, 2 year old little girl pictures


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