Fort Wayne Firefighters Calenda for LLS

I just finished up one of the most meaningful and influential photography projects.  I was contacted in December of 2015 about the possibility of photographing the firefighters of Fort Wayne for a calendar.  Prior to this project I didn’t know who Doug Schenkel was, what LLS stood for, or really anything about the Fort Wayne Fire Department.  Now, 4 months later, I’m proud to say I know Doug Schenkel, LLS stands for Leukemia Lymphoma Society, and I know their are 18 stations in Fort Wayne, I know what bunker gear is, station 15 has a massive ladder truck, and I know Fort Wayne has the finest firefighters that walk the face of the planet.

Doug Schenkel is running for LLS’s 2016 Man of the Year competition.  The competition is all about which candidate can raise the most money in a very short period of time for LLS.  All of the proceeds go towards research.  The greatest thing about LLS is that all of the advancements and findings are shared with all other cancer research facilities and hospitals.  One of the many ways Doug chose to raise funds was by featuring our local Fort Wayne Firefighters in an 18 month calendar.  Local businesses could sponsor a month and now the calendar are being sold all over Fort Wayne.  You can also purchase the calendars online.  Please purchase an amazing calendar featuring the brave men and women of Fort Wayne and to support LLS.

Below are some of my favorites and you can view all of the calendar images here.Firefighter calendar, FWFD, Fort Wayne Firefighters, Ft. Wayne Photographer


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