It seems like just yesterday I did Ethan’s older sister’s senior portraits… how does time go by so quickly! What a handsome young man. It was a pleasure working with Ethan and an honor to photograph him before he leaves for basic training in July. I loved incorporating his uniform into his senior portraits and […]
I love photographing seniors. It is great to hear what plans they have after school and how their senior year is going. I photographed Luke’s brother a couple of years ago and Luke was just as easy going as his brother. It is so admirable that Luke has a plan and knows just what he […]
This spring, our unpredictable Indiana weather has been been a challenge for farmers, spring athletes, and photographers. However, Dominick’s senior portrait session was like a needle in a haystack, the day was beautiful! I had the privilege of photographing Dominick’s older brother last year. I love when past clients return for another session. Dominick […]
Weather is warming up and seniors are finishing up their last year in high school. Many students are preparing for college, some are planning to enter the work force, but all are anxious to start the next chapter of life, adulthood. It is fun to get to work with seniors and chat with them about […]
Zach’s senior portraits turned out fantastic. What a handsome young man! Although, like most guys, he wasn’t super thrilled about getting senior portraits. If there is one thing Zach likes, it is his car, so we started there. Zach’s pictures with his car turned out great, but so did all of the rest of his […]
I had the honor of photographing Bryce two times this fall. His family had extended family portraits taken in early fall. I was able to get him to smile, so his mom decided to schedule a short senior portrait session. Bryce was thrilled! Like many other senior guys, Bryce wasn’t super pumped to get his […]