I have photographed the Howard family for several years now. These portraits are my favorite of any session I have done for them. They are the perfect combination of posed and candid shots. Sara envisioned open fields and tall grass for their session this year. We found the perfect spot… well all except for the […]
These family portraits were taken in about a 15 minute window between torrential down pours! The kids were great and we were able to capture some fantastic moment in between rain drops. Here are some of my favorites but check out all of The Busemeyer Proofs Here.
Seniors all over our area are finishing up their last year of high school. There is always excitement in the air this time of year. I’m not sure if it is because we are finally seeing a turn in the weather, school is letting out, the start of a new chapter, or all of the […]
We sure got lucky for this late fall family portrait session! This session was done at the end of November because our first date was rained out. I have seen snow in late November in Indiana before! We not only had mild temperatures, but we actually still had some color on the trees. The Godfrey […]
It seems like just yesterday I did Ethan’s older sister’s senior portraits… how does time go by so quickly! What a handsome young man. It was a pleasure working with Ethan and an honor to photograph him before he leaves for basic training in July. I loved incorporating his uniform into his senior portraits and […]
I can’t believe it, my nephew is already 6 months old! Little Cooper is the happiest little man around. I rarely shoot in the mornings, most of my sessions are taken a couple of hours before sunset. All I have to say, is I wish I was in this good of a mood in the […]
Samantha and Robert were able to get their maternity portraits done in the nick of time. Just 2 days after this session they arrived at the hospital and gave birth to a healthy baby girl! It is crazy to think how quickly your life changes. Congrats you two! Here is one of my favorites, but […]
What a fabulous way to spend Valentines, celebrating the birth of your first child. There is no other love that compares to a parent’s love for their child. Cooper Dean is probably one of the cutest little boys I have ever photographed. He has such a cute little face and such a distinct chin. I […]
I just finished up one of the most meaningful and influential photography projects. I was contacted in December of 2015 about the possibility of photographing the firefighters of Fort Wayne for a calendar. Prior to this project I didn’t know who Doug Schenkel was, what LLS stood for, or really anything about the Fort Wayne […]
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