Laliberte Family

Columbia City Family Photographer, fall family pictures

Fall family portraits are in full swing!  We were lucky enough to have a beautiful mid 70 degree day to photograph these beautiful family portraits.  Although the location was a bit busy and a tad loud…you would never guess it by looking through these portraits.  Here are some of my favorites from the session and don’t forget to check out all of the Laliberte Proofs.

fall family pictures, Columbia City Photographer, family of four portraits


Shriner Fall Family Portraits

Family of 4 family pictures, Columbia City Photographer

I love photographing the Shriner family.  They are great friends of ours which make our sessions even more special.  This family of four (soon to be 5) fall portraits turned out beautifully!  There were so many special, candid moments in this session.  Here are some of my favorite portraits, but be sure to check out all of the Shriner Fall Portrait Proofs

Fall family pictures, family of 4 family pictures, Columbia City Photographer


Galbraith Fall Family Portraits

Fall Family Portraits, fall portraits, Columbia City Photographer

Tis the season for fall portraits, and I can’t think of a better family to kick off the season.  I get the pleasure of photographing the Galbraith family every year!  Even though I see Madison on a regular basis, it is exciting to see the boys and how their personalities are changing.  We had an absolutely perfect day for pictures and everyone looked great.  Here are a couple of my favorites, but don’t forget to check out all The Galbraith Fall Family Proofs here. 


Aaron’s Senior Portraits

Columbia City Senior Photographer, Senior guy pictures, senior portraits

I love when my seniors bring things that are special to them. Lets be honest, guys usually aren’t super thrilled about getting their pictures taken, but when they bring their car, uniform, sports accessories they tend to get into the moment a little more.  Aaron goes to Columbia City High School and brought his super cool Jeep out to include in his portraits.  Then… when I didn’t think it could get any cooler he took the doors and top off of the Jeep!   While Aaron is one handsome young man, he is even more humble.  He was an absolute pleasure to work with.  Here are some of my favorite shots from this senior portrait session.  Click on the following link to see all of Aaron’s Senior Portrait ProofsSenior guy portraits, senior with car, Columbia City Senior Photographer.


Luke’s Senior Portraits

guy senior portraits, Columbia City Senior Photograher

These senior portraits were extra special for two reasons. One, Luke is my cousin and two; Luke is the last grandchild in our family to graduate high school. After dodging some rain drops and pushing the session back just a bit we were able to get a perfect day to shoot Luke’s senior pictures. I love shooting senior pictures because I get to incorporate different hobbies, sports, and achievements that have helped shape these seniors into young adults. I also find, when photographing a senior with the items they love and spend their time doing their true personality comes out and they tend to lighten up a bit for that particular part of the session. Luke recently had his Eagle Scout board of review and is now an Eagle Scout. He completed a 12 day trek at the Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico.
I love finding creative ways to incorporate a senior’s achievements into their session. Here are some of my favorites and don’t forget to check out all of Luke’s proofs to see his Eagle Scout pictures.

Columbia City Photographer, Senior Portraits